Our Partners and Grants

Save Your Soles community outreach would not be possible without the medical, financial, and educational support of the community. 


Chester Health Advisory Board


Jefferson School of Nursing

The Joy of Socks

LaSalle School of Nursing

Rock Ministries Wellness of Philadelphia

Sugga Mamas

Theta Chapter, Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc.

Medical Consultants

Dr. Asoka Balaratna, Abington – Jefferson Health

Dr. Jon George, Einstein Medical Center

Bland Vascular Center, Abington – Jefferson Health

Surgical Care Specialists, Abington – Jefferson Health


Abington Health Foundation

William M. King Foundation

United Healthcare

Which group in the Philadelphia area receive the most amputations?

A. Black men ages 40 – 60
B. White men over age 60
C. Black women ages 40 – 60


Black Men ages 40 – 60

Black men are nearly 3x as likely to experience a lower extremity amputation than any other group.

Know your risk

Poor circulation can lead to lower extremity amputations. Take this quick test to understand your risk.

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Why Do Diabetics Sometimes Get Amputations?

What Diabetes Does to the Body Many patients with uncontrolled diabetes develop peripheral artery disease (PAD), which basically means that blood does not effectively flow